
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Stuff on my mind

Well here it is, Sunday evening and another weekend over.  I spent a lot of time this weekend pondering about my life.  I work in a job I really like, have a wonderful family, incredible friends and all my needs are met.  So, why do I feel unfulfilled?  I have a creative block and it is really making me a little crazy! 
I have, at times in my life, been wildly creative.  From poetry to painting I was so creative.  I painted and wall papered my kitchen and put in a new floor while my husband was at sea.  I painting a neat scene on a bathroom wall.  I made fabric wreaths, baskets, wall art.  I could cook and bake and I made fabulous soups.
I don't know what happened?!?!?  Last weekend I got together with my friend to do crafts.  I had in mind to make paper birds with a button holding on the wing.  I see so much on Pinterest that I want to try.  Well, I had such a hard time.  I couldn't even make a bird.  I got frustrated and just quit. 
I feel like I'm in the perfect time in my life to be creative, but for some reason, it is just not there.  Things I used to do, I can't even remember how I did them. 
I feel bored and while I have a lot of ideas, I can't seem to bring them into reality.  I'm not sure what is going on.  I don't feel depressed or stressed or anything like that.  I just can't put my finger on it. 

While all the crafty things I like to do aren't coming to the surface, I find I am able to write like never before.  I share previously about wanting to journal and meditate.  I am doing better journaling, I am finding I have a lot to put on paper and it seems to help to sort out my feelings and focus on what exactly I want.  I have plans for my future.  I know exactly how I want to live, for the first time in my life.  But do I really need to trade one for the other?  Must everything I love to do go by the wayside? 
I guess time will tell.  I will keep writing and meditating on these things.  Maybe, at some point, the answers will be clear.  I would appreciate any thoughts or ideas on this subject.  I hope it is ok to use this forum for my struggles.  It somehow feels right to me to put it out there, maybe once I let it out and let it go, it will change!
Have a great week!


  1. Allison, maybe a good place to start is with those baby steps. You could make a commitment each night before turning off the light for bed, you could make a point to write just one sentence. You may want to write more and that is okay but the commitment is just one sentence. That should take the pressure off of you to preform. After all this is for YOU!
    Best of luck

  2. Thank you Linda for your advice. I appreciate your wisdom on this and intend to commit to writing at least one sentence every night.
    Thank You,
